Call Andy on 07980746622

Services for Producers
Assisting with crop choices to build a good rotation and profitable business.
Choosing varieties to fit your markets and recommending when to plant them
so they hit the market at the right time.
Issuing crop programmes, plant & seed orders and growing plans.

Crop budgets, business budgeting and cashflow forecasts
Labour and machinery planning
Marketing decision making
Business strategy, structure and management assistance
Help you find markets for your produce.
Assist with pricing negotiations and market information
Assist with ongoing marketing of your produce
Product specifications
Refrigeration, packaging and irrigation decision making
Agronomy, rotation and organic conversion decision making

Services for Markets
Find Organic
We have an ever expanding network of growers, farmers & makers to whom we can turn to source organic produce for you - we can help connect you & provide ongoing support.

Know More
Market information, pricing, editorial content, introduction service to markets
We can help with technical issues - Product calendars, specifications, variety choices, organic standards & certification.

Passionate about People, Organic food and addressing the Climate & Biodiversity Emergencies, starting with the Soil
Started by Andy Johnson in 2019. HommedeTerre is a consulting and advice service for organic growers, farmers, buyers, manufacturers, policy makers & campaigners.
Andy has worked on farms & in fresh produce businesses since school. He graduated from the late, lamented Seale Hayne College in Devon before 2 years of intense management training with Management Development Services Ltd, after which, he worked firstly as a Fieldsman for the largest Brassica vegetable grower in Europe and then, as General Manager for JEPCo, growing 1,000+ acres of lettuces & salad onions in England & Spain, including truckloads of Iceberg every week for McD's. Not Organic in any way....
In 1999, he & his family moved West, bringing his hard-won skills to Organic farming at Riverford Organic Vegetables, then and still, the biggest box scheme in the land. Andy loves breaking new ground and had 8 years of doing that before starting his own farm, Laydilay Organic Eggs supplying local markets and living the dream. Starting with 70 hens, he and his wife built the business up to 2,400 birds, employed 5 people & built a high-care kitchen to turn surplus & second-grade eggs into mayonnaise & meringues. Kitchen waste was composted to feed the fields - waste nothing.
In 2018, Andy left the business and hommedeterre was formed as a result, as a vehicle for his skills and to help the organic market to grow.
If you believe that organic food tastes better, is better for wildlife and can make a major contribution to facing up to the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss & public health in the UK then please get in touch. And if you don't, still click...